Get Started – Create Social Champ’s Shareable Draft

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Hey, Champs! Social Champ now introduces its much-awaited feature ‘Shareable Drafts’, which allows you to share your saved scheduled posts with your team members.  😀

Let’s get started with how you can create a shareable draft using Social Champ.

  1. Log into your Social Champ account, and you will be directed to our main content dashboard. Select the Social Media accounts, type out your content in the composer, and click the Save Draft button.
    Save Drafts can now be set on ‘Only Me’ or ‘Team Sharing’
  2. To view the saved drafts, click the ‘Saved Drafts’ option from the left panel.
  3. You can share the draft by selecting the option from the ‘Sharing Options’ drop-down.
  4. You can further Edit, Duplicate, or Delete drafts from the three-dotted options.

  5. Use Draft’ will enable you to use the created drafts for scheduling them as posts.
  6. The ‘Filters’ option on the top row is a new way to filter and organize your draft view.Filters open to a drop-down with three primary categories; Team Member, Post Type, and Social Account.
    Great work! Now you know how to create Social Champ’s Shareable Draft feature.
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